Saturday, February 28, 2009

...doing a little community service...

Yesterday the three of us (Daddy, Roro, and me) went up to the community fire station and did some cleaning and reorganizing... The place was a mess. Luke's been wanting to get all the old uniforms in some kind of order. It took almost four hours to get a corner of the station in decent shape. Ronin had a lot of fun going through unimportant papers...he LOVES mail! He also had fun playing with cups and eating utensils... It wasn't a whole lot of fun cleaning, but it was nice being with my husband all morning long and watching Ronin explore the fire station... I love the picture of the bulletin board...isn't it ghetto?! :) What' up!!! Anyway...that's my weird sense of humor coming into play....

Thursday, February 26, 2009

....Dane reading like a BIG boy...

I am so proud of you! You are reading SO well!!! Yay, Dane!! He read this entire book from start to finish with barely any help at all! He is just amazing! :) I can't express how proud of him!! We got his report card today and everything was SO positive! His teacher even says he is reading great...which we already knew, of course ;)

...Hello Kitty cuteness...

Here are the first two Hello Kitty felt cuties I made for my Hello Kitty swap! They will eventually be going on some tags, but first I have to finish embroidery all 15!!! I am having SO much fun on them though! I miss going to the Sanrio store so much...this has been perfect therapy! :)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I LOVE felt!!

I have been making things out of felt for about a year or so...maybe a little bit less. I started making my niece Caleigh some felt play food for a gift last was so fun to make and turned out so cute and she loved it! I also made a ton of Christmas ornaments out of felt, which people seemed to really enjoy....

And now I am participating in a swap at 2peas that is all felt! I am super duper excited just making the felt products I signed up for, but I can't wait to get all the goodies the other ladies are making.

So far, I've made cookies (which aren't posted in this post), eggs, bananas and I have finished cutting and sewing the monster's faces! :) Dane Dane designed the monsters and I translated that into the felt...they are going to be so cute and he's named his monsters "Phineas" after one of our fave cartoons!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Ronin's photo shoot

I can't believe my baby boy is already over 14 months old. I took these shots a few days ago while he was outside playing in the sand... I must say, he's beautiful!

I love that he favors me too! ;)

Monday, February 16, 2009

I've been bad....

I can't believe it's been almost a year since I've blogged. How sad.... I am going to try and restart and do a good job of posting. I really want this to be more a photo journal of our lives and I've focused on other things too much, I guess... More to come soon!