Saturday, February 28, 2009

...doing a little community service...

Yesterday the three of us (Daddy, Roro, and me) went up to the community fire station and did some cleaning and reorganizing... The place was a mess. Luke's been wanting to get all the old uniforms in some kind of order. It took almost four hours to get a corner of the station in decent shape. Ronin had a lot of fun going through unimportant papers...he LOVES mail! He also had fun playing with cups and eating utensils... It wasn't a whole lot of fun cleaning, but it was nice being with my husband all morning long and watching Ronin explore the fire station... I love the picture of the bulletin board...isn't it ghetto?! :) What' up!!! Anyway...that's my weird sense of humor coming into play....


Mary said...

That bulletin board is too funny! How sweet that you got family time in!

Pam said...

Very cool! Your little one is a cutie pie!!

Denise said...

What a good way to spend time together!

Have a great day. Denise